Monday, December 23, 2019

The Competitive Advantage of Microsoft and Its Hr

1) What is Microsoft’s competitive advantage? How is supported/constrained by human resource management? Microsoft Corporation is one of the largest and most influential companies in the personal computer industry. It has won several awards for innovation, for their commitment to diversity, and for their flexible work arrangements. It has always been a leader in the market with regard to its compensation. With 80,0004 employees across the world, having more than $15 billion revenue, it is one of the biggest and best†known technology companies in the world. It’s successful because of their workplace environment, empowerment of employee ideas, and their employee benefits. These elements are the result of the strategy that the Microsoft†¦show more content†¦from the first days of the company, where were the founders (Bill Gates and Paul Allen) the ones that did the first recruitment and selection. Their aim was to find the smart and the best people, that preferentially did not have any experience. The Microsoft is the company that offers job also young people and talented graduates, which will, in companies opinion contribute by bringing in fresh innovation and ideas (we now that one of the major objectives are to generate new product, easily to use).this philosophy is also shown in Microsoft’s ‘n minus 1’ strategy, that means that in the company are employed less people that required, what shows the importance of hiring the right people, then just to fill a position. About the recruitment program Before being hired every candidate has to pass an intense interview. Each candidate is interviewed by at les 3 up to 10 Microsoft employee. The interview was based on their though processes, problem-solving abilities , writing the line code, than based on experience and knowledge (for Bill Gates the ability to think creatively was more important then acquired knowledge, as the ambition was rather then experience). Then there are also technical interviews where was asked to solve programming problems. After that the interviewers exchange between each other impressions (hire, no-hire) and suggestions for follow up. So the weaknesses of candidates mentioned by other interviewers were later treatedShow MoreRelatedThe Competitive Advantage of Microsoft and Its Hr1363 Words   |  6 Pages1) What is Microsoft’s competitive advantage? How is supported/constrained by human resource management? Microsoft Corporation is one of the largest and most influential companies in the personal computer industry. It has won several awards for innovation, for their commitment to diversity, and for their flexible work arrangements. It has always been a leader in the market with regard to its compensation. With 80,0004 employees  across the world, having more than $15 billion revenue, it is one ofRead MoreEssay Recruitment and Selection of Microsoft Employees1475 Words   |  6 Pagesability tests, cognitive ability tests, personality inventories, work samples, or honesty and drug tests have their advantages and disadvantages (Noe et al., 2011). Employers must also consider federal laws and regulations when executing this practice as such laws offer a framework for employee rights (Myers, 2003). Certainly, in order for corporations to obtain competitive advantage, the recruitment and selection HRM practices must allocate individuals with competencies and a willingness to demonstrateRead MoreMicrosoft Case Study Harvard Business School3008 Words   |  13 PagesMicrosoft’s core source of competitive advantage was the ability to attract, motivate and retain superior people. In attracting employees Microsoft mainly targeted the stars. Stars are the core employees that can add value to the organization through their knowledge, skills and abilities (Boselie, 2010). At Microsoft there has been a hands on mentality made for ambitious people. Lepak and Snell (2007) built a theory about different employees and its HR strategies. Microsoft has an internalized andRead MoreOrganizational Development And Employee Engagement1176 Words   |  5 Pagesstrategic HR tool that the department uses is corporate development. We begin with developing a team of leaders selected and charged with combating the development problems in the department so that communication and collaboration were again a working part of our staff. By convincing agencies to work together for the common goal and creating an innovation agenda around which all employees can unite (Sissoms, n.d.). I would push for a talent management program because I believe it would make our HR departmentRead MoreThe Microsoft Vega Case Study1348 Words   |  6 PagesThis course teaches us that when an organization has made an investment in an asset, and the asset has been determined valuable by the organization, it is less likely to dismiss it. In the Microsoft Vega Case Stud y, we are faced with the fact that Matt MacLellan is now dissatisfied with his project manager role. With wanting to shift his role to becoming a developer despite that he has never written code professionally, Kaplan is now faced with the decision of whether to support his career shiftRead MoreUnit 4 D1 Btec Level 3 Business1022 Words   |  5 Pagescommunication to maintain a secure and effective way of communicating within the corporation. A strategic decision that the IT department has made at Coca Cola headquarters is to upgrade its current communications platforms. (Coca-Cola Enterprises Embraces Microsoft Software-plus-Services to Unify Its Workforce, 2008) Coca Cola did this because the current platform did not encourage new innovation and collaboration that was required to take it to the next level and compete in an increasingly demanding economicRead MoreHuman Resource Management: The Guardian of Ethics1724 Words   |  7 Pagesacquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety and fairness concern. â€Å"Human Resource Management is a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and personal techniques† Storey (1995) Human Resource Management is a managerial perspective which argues the need to establishRead MoreThe Elements Of Globalization And Their Impact On Hr Functions1565 Words   |  7 PagesThe Elements of Globalization and Their Impact on HR Functions For businesses to compete in a global society, they need to integrate their current business structure into a more diverse culture. Since corporations are putting a stronger emphasis on diversity to stay competitive; globalization has impacted how these companies are managing its workforce. Firms that have a perception on the effects that globalization has on its human resources management, will help its managers to become better equippedRead MoreGlobal Online Advertising : Relevant Industry1512 Words   |  7 Pageshas maintained its market share, Facebook has shown growth in the last three years. In 2012, Facebook had a market share of 4.1% and in 2014 it had a market share of 7.8% (eMarketer, 2015). In 2013, Facebook bought an ad serve known as Atlas from Microsoft that allowed advertisers to make automated bids for ad inventory. Display ad revenues have grown must faster for Facebook than Google. Facebook has vividly revamped its business model allowing mobile ad revenue to make up 62% in overall revenue forRead MoreHow The Free Marketplace Within Our Economy933 Words   |  4 Pagesprovides business owners the independence to design and supply almost anything. But this fluid environment can also limit and even closedown a company if the demand for their products isn’t sustained. The company Apple Inc. is known for their competitive advantages in the current marketplace and worldwide. This company is known for their creation and design of Macintosh personal computers and its signature look is in the shape of an apple, creating instant visible product recognition for customers. Currently The Competitive Advantage of Microsoft and Its Hr 1) What is Microsoft’s competitive advantage? How is supported/constrained by human resource management? Microsoft Corporation is one of the largest and most influential companies in the personal computer industry. It has won several awards for innovation, for their commitment to diversity, and for their flexible work arrangements. It has always been a leader in the market with regard to its compensation. With 80,0004 employees across the world, having more than $15 billion revenue, it is one of the biggest and best†known technology companies in the world. It’s successful because of their workplace environment, empowerment of employee ideas, and their employee benefits. These elements are the result of the strategy that the Microsoft is†¦show more content†¦Microsoft counted too in development through personal mentoring. That means that just hired persons had the responsibility to learn from their colleagues. That is the reason why coaching and mentoring take part of Microsoft values. There were also situation when Gates in person organized meeting where employees presented the presentations and all together discussed about the argument. This way the kind of challenge for them, to see their preparation, which contributed to acquire more knowledge. About the motivation employee and reward system In order to support the motivation of the employees is important to understand what motivates each of them. Most of people hired are motivated also by the environment that Microsoft gives. To understand such needs is charged HR department, which will try to support the employees to develop them self and also to progress (that’s the part of work culture). Motivation can be described as giving to employees all they need (such appropriate environment, where work), in return for achievement of companies goals. The employees have to give their best, and Microsoft will give them all resources they need (plan benefits, resources, food). The Microsoft retains people very important resource and this is reflected also in its reward system. In the system we find link between individual performance and reword , with semi-annual performance reviews (evaluation byShow MoreRelatedThe Competitive Advantage of Microsoft and Its Hr1354 Words   |  6 Pages1) What is Microsoft’s competitive advantage? How is supported/constrained by human resource management? Microsoft Corporation is one of the largest and most influential companies in the personal computer industry. It has won several awards for innovation, for their commitment to diversity, and for their flexible work arrangements. It has always been a leader in the market with regard to its compensation. With 80,0004 employees  across the world, having more than $15 billion revenue, it is oneRead MoreEssay Recruitment and Selection of Microsoft Employees1475 Words   |  6 Pagesability tests, cognitive ability tests, personality inventories, work samples, or honesty and drug tests have their advantages and disadvantages (Noe et al., 2011). Employers must also consider federal laws and regulations when executing this practice as such laws offer a framework for employee rights (Myers, 2003). Certainly, in order for corporations to obtain competitive advantage, the recruitment and selection HRM practices must allocate individuals with competencies and a willingness to demonstrateRead MoreMicrosoft Case Study Harvard Business School3008 Words   |  13 PagesMicrosoft’s core source of competitive advantage was the ability to attract, motivate and retain superior people. In attracting employees Microsoft mainly targeted the stars. Stars are the core employees that can add value to the organization through their knowledge, skills and abilities (Boselie, 2010). At Microsoft there has been a hands on mentality made for ambitious people. Lepak and Snell (2007) built a theory about different employees and its HR strategies. Microsoft has an internalized andRead MoreOrganizational Development And Employee Engagement1176 Words   |  5 Pagesstrategic HR tool that the department uses is corporate development. We begin with developing a team of leaders selected and charged with combating the development problems in the department so that communication and collaboration were again a working part of our staff. By convincing agencies to work together for the common goal and creating an innovation agenda around which all employees can unite (Sissoms, n.d.). I would push for a talent management program because I believe it would make our HR departmentRead MoreThe Microsoft Vega Case Study1348 Words   |  6 PagesThis course teaches us that when an organization has made an investment in an asset, and the asset has been determined valuable by the organization, it is less likely to dismiss it. In the Microsoft Vega Case Stud y, we are faced with the fact that Matt MacLellan is now dissatisfied with his project manager role. With wanting to shift his role to becoming a developer despite that he has never written code professionally, Kaplan is now faced with the decision of whether to support his career shiftRead MoreUnit 4 D1 Btec Level 3 Business1022 Words   |  5 Pagescommunication to maintain a secure and effective way of communicating within the corporation. A strategic decision that the IT department has made at Coca Cola headquarters is to upgrade its current communications platforms. (Coca-Cola Enterprises Embraces Microsoft Software-plus-Services to Unify Its Workforce, 2008) Coca Cola did this because the current platform did not encourage new innovation and collaboration that was required to take it to the next level and compete in an increasingly demanding economicRead MoreHuman Resource Management: The Guardian of Ethics1724 Words   |  7 Pagesacquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety and fairness concern. â€Å"Human Resource Management is a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and personal techniques† Storey (1995) Human Resource Management is a managerial perspective which argues the need to establishRead MoreThe Elements Of Globalization And Their Impact On Hr Functions1565 Words   |  7 PagesThe Elements of Globalization and Their Impact on HR Functions For businesses to compete in a global society, they need to integrate their current business structure into a more diverse culture. Since corporations are putting a stronger emphasis on diversity to stay competitive; globalization has impacted how these companies are managing its workforce. Firms that have a perception on the effects that globalization has on its human resources management, will help its managers to become better equippedRead MoreGlobal Online Advertising : Relevant Industry1512 Words   |  7 Pageshas maintained its market share, Facebook has shown growth in the last three years. In 2012, Facebook had a market share of 4.1% and in 2014 it had a market share of 7.8% (eMarketer, 2015). In 2013, Facebook bought an ad serve known as Atlas from Microsoft that allowed advertisers to make automated bids for ad inventory. Display ad revenues have grown must faster for Facebook than Google. Facebook has vividly revamped its business model allowing mobile ad revenue to make up 62% in overall revenue forRead MoreHow The Free Marketplace Within Our Economy933 Words   |  4 Pagesprovides business owners the independence to design and supply almost anything. But this fluid environment can also limit and even closedown a company if the demand for their products isn’t sustained. The company Apple Inc. is known for their competitive advantages in the current marketplace and worldwide. This company is known for their creation and design of Macintosh personal computers and its signature look is in the shape of an apple, creating instant visible product recognition for customers. Currently

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